Science : Food and Health (Class V)

Q. Define diet.
Ans: The food we eat daily is called our diet.

Q. Define balance diet. 
Ans: A balanced diet gives your body the nutrients it needs to function correctly.

It gives us energy to work and play.
◾ Cereals, potatoes, sugar, bread, etc contain carbohydrates.
◾ It is also known as energy-giving food. 

It is the source of stored energy in our body. 
◾It gives us energy more than carbohydrates. 
◾Butter, ghee, oil, etc contain fats. 
◾ It is also known as energy-giving food. 

These are essential for growing children. 
◾Milk, egg, meat, peas and fish contain protein.
◾They are also known as body-building food. 

Vitamins kerp us fit and help us to fight diseases. 
◾Minerals help us in the growth and development of body. 
◾They both are known as protective food. 

◾ It means fibre which is present in fruits and vegetables. 
◾It helps our body to get rid of undigested food. 

Q. Why should we never wash vegetables after peeling and cutting? 
Ans: Never wash vegetables after peeling and cutting:
◾It washes away many vitamins and minerals. 
◾A lot of starch (carbohydrates) is thrown out with the water in which rice is cooked. 

Q. How does regular exercise help us? 
Ans: It is very important for good health because:
◾It helps to keep the muscles in good tone. 
◾It helps to keep the bone strong. 
◾It helps the nervous system by supplying extra blood to the brain. 
◾ It hrlps the lungs, heart and blood vessels to work well. 

Q. How does regular sleep help us? 
◾It recovers cells of the body from the work. 
◾It increases our efficiency and strength to work. 
◾It build up supplies of energy for the next period of time. 
◾It relaxes our muscles. 


⬆️Above are the non-communicable diseases.

Q. Define Non-communicable diseases.
Ans: Diseases that don not spread from one person to another are called non-communicable diseases.
e.g. Rickets, Scurvy, etc. 

Q. Define anaemia. 
◾ Anaemia is the disease caused by the deficiency of blood in the body.
◾This deficiency is caused by lack of iron in the food. 

Q. Define communicble diseases / infectious diseases. 
Ans: Diseases that spread from one person to another are called communicble diseases.
e.g. COVID-19, Malaria, Ringworm, Typhoid, etc. 

Q. Define micro-organisms.
Ans: Communicable diseases are caused by tiny living things called microbes or micro-organisms.

Tiny organisms having different shapes. 
◾Diseases like meningitis, typhoid and cholera are caused by bacteria. 

Single - celled micro-organisms.
◾Diseases like malaria and amoeba dysdntery.

These are smallest micro-organisms.
◾Diseases like COVID-19, common cold, influenza, rabies and measles.


1. Through direct contact
◾Diseases spread by contact are chicken-pox, smallpox, scarlet fever, scabies and ringworm.

2. Through air
◾Diseases spread through air are common cold, flu, pneumonia, tuberculosis, mumps and measles.

3. Through food and water
◾Diseases spread through food and water are cholera, typhoid, food poisoning and dysdntery. 

4. Through insects
Malaria, dengue, filariasis and yellow fever are carried by mosquitoes. 
Typhus fever is carried by lice. 
Plague is carried by fleas that live on rats.

Q. How can we prevent Communicable Diseases?
Ans: These diseases can be controlled by taking following steps:

◾The patient should be kept absolutely isolated.
◾The infected articles like clothes, towel and utensils should be kept separate and disinfected.
◾ Drinking water should be boiled to kill germs.
◾Don not eat cut fruits, they may carry germs.
◾All food articles should be properly covered.
◾ Wash fruits and vegetables before eating. 
◾Wash your hand before eat anything.
◾Vaccination should be taken at a proper time.

Vaccination is the process to protect people especially children fromby acquiring immunity against certain diseases.
◾Many diseases such as measles, typhoid, tetanus, polio and mumps can be controlled through vaccines.

Who discovered vaccination?
Ans: Vaccination was discovered by Edward Jenner.



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