Why is the B+ blood group so common in India and not at all in other parts of the world?
India is a tropical country, hence the person living here is exposed to various types of diseases because in this climate the micro-organisms multiply and spread at a much faster rate.
Blood group B is related to providing resistance against the diseases,hence the incidence of diseases would be much less in the people having the blood group B.
Considering a hypothetical population that has equal number of people in all the blood groups, if there is an advent of a disease, there would be more casualties of the people of the blood group A,AB and O, whereas the people with the blood group B suffers less casualties as their blood group provides resistance.(Theory of natural selection).
The survival for the fittest theory have worked years to select the population of India having more number of people of the blood group B.
Human Blood and Anthropology
That's why my father and my brother doesn't suffer deaseses